Tucketts is proud to be a woman-owned and operated company that is supported and run by women empowering women. So far, all employees have a passion for wellness, are mothers and career professionals, and strive to positively impact their communities and environment. We love finding women who live the Tucketts Lifestyle and represent our brand to the fullest.
This month we interviewed Cecilia Pulido, a Sales Ambassador for Tucketts, the original high-performance, toeless grip socks. Cecilia has shared the things that inspire her, challenge her, and make her thankful for being a part of the Tucketts family. Read on to learn all about one of the energetic forces behind Tucketts.
Cecilia Pulido
Hi Cecilia! Can you tell our readers a little about yourself and what you do for a living?
My name is Cecilia Pulido and I am a fitness and Pilates educator and instructor, and a student of life. I’ve been in fitness for the last 25 years. I currently reside in San Jose, California but have lived and traveled to many places around the world. I specialize in working with many people who have special conditions. These people re-educate me regularly on the importance of humility, compassion, kindness, and perseverance. I look at my profession as a small way to change the world for the better.
How did you find Tucketts?
I originally found Tucketts at a small studio in Florida and that’s where my love affair with these toeless socks began. As a pilates instructor, I regularly received grip socks as gifts or samples by various companies to try out, but I noticed that I kept going back to my pair of Tucketts. I eventually ended up at a Pilates conference where there was also a Tucketts booth and I told my story to the owner, Paola. I purchased a dozen socks for myself and from that moment on I ditched all my other grip socks and became loyal to Tucketts.
In what way do you currently work with Tucketts?
I work for Tucketts as a sales Ambassador and influencer for the brand. This is so important to me because I could never represent something I don’t believe in...and I believe in Tucketts!
What do you love most about working for, and with, Tucketts high-performance toeless grip socks?
For me, Tucketts represents who I am. It’s not just about a grip sock, but rather a lifestyle choice, a commitment to excellence at what I do professionally, and a representation of what I stand for on a personal level. Tucketts also improve movement for me and my clients. Recently an incident happened in one of my classes that made me laugh. A client kept trying to do footwork on the Pilates Reformer and was having difficulty. Finally, I asked what was wrong. The client replied, “Sorry, my feet keep slipping off the bar.” Before I could say anything, the girl next to her said, “It’s probably because she doesn’t have on Tucketts!” I just laughed and gave her a pair of Tucketts to put on and we all continued. Honestly, I couldn’t have said it better myself!
As a Pilates instructor, why do you believe Tucketts is an exceptional brand for Pilates and barefoot training enthusiasts?
As a Pilates professional, and Master Mentor to the Elder Lolita San Miguel, I find Tucketts high performance, toeless grip socks to be extremely effective for my practice. The grips are tacky and do not slip. The knit construction of the sock itself is lightweight, mimicking the barefoot sensation, but also gives adequate compression support. I’m motivated by the vibrant colors and designs with the stories behind each collection. I also love the open toe entry of the socks because I am not a fan of toe-wedgies, and I prefer not to waste time getting two toes stuck in one hole. I also like how all of my clients, especially seniors, can get the Tucketts’ socks on and off quickly.
What do you personally love MOST about the Tucketts brand?
I love that Tucketts shares my passion for “kindness,” and you can see this from the production of the socks all the way to the interactions between the women who represent the company. Paola Shah, the owner, treats and respects her employees as women and mothers first, and employees second. Tucketts has strict factory standards and strives in every way possible to produce a high quality product with a soft carbon footprint. In addition, the grips are BPA free, and the company gives back to “at risk” communities through the Tucketts for Peace Initiative. Most of all, I love that the socks are meant to inspire freedom, creativity, and confidence.
On a personal level, what inspires and motivates you to do your work?
I find it extremely inspiring to work with a person who clearly has mobility challenges and watch the changes that take place as they evolve in their practice. This is so inspiring to me because better movement means a better quality of life, and better quality of life means a happier existence for that individual and everyone they touch. “Happy” people make good and conscious decisions that perpetuate good things in our world and for our planet.
The Tucketts Lifestyle is one of PEACE, UNITY, and SUSTAINABILITY. How do you practice this type of lifestyle on a daily basis?

I feel like my Tucketted feet are a reminder daily, of my own personal commitments to living a life of humility, compassion, kindness, and perseverance. I feel that these practices flow into the Tucketts pursuits of Peace, Unity, and Sustainability.
I encourage everyone to create a daily routine of prayer/meditation for themselves with their higher power, no matter how big or small, just something that you can commit to acting upon. My own practice has made me more conscious and aware of the importance of kindness. Every morning I give thanks for the blessing of the day, and for a multitude of things by listing them out.
Finally, I think everyone can cultivate consciousness of our planet and environment, and live a more environment-conscious lifestyle. My personal commitment to living this lifestyle is to regularly shop at second hand and thrift stores, to recycle, compost, and never waste food. I maintain a small garden and I make my own Kombucha and fruit preserves. I’m always looking at where I’ve come from and where I’m going. I have come to realize that life is challenging. It brings many things we consider “unfair” and there are plenty of situations that cause us great strife and grief… (I have had my share!) However, we can “choose” what we want for ourselves. We can face our difficulties and choose to suffer, or find the lessons in the moments and choose to evolve. Of course this is not easy! But life is all about perspective, and one can choose to forgive and move on or not. Life is short, our time precious, and I want all my moments to count for something “good”, so I strive for that.
What message would you like to leave our readers with heading into the new year?

I just want people to know how important it is to embrace diversity, TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET!, and be kind. I feel like Tucketts really “gets it” and promotes that message too! Every time I look down at my feet, I smile because not only do I know I can count on high performance and ethical representation of myself and standards, but my feet look super cool! Thank you Tucketts!
Cecilia is a true inspiration and we are so lucky to have her as part of the Tucketts team! What do you find the most inspiring about Cecilia? Share your comments in the messages below!
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