understanding our toeless socks and the oh-so-important feet they cover. In a previous post, Tucketts and Feet, we shared the significance of this pair of body parts and how our brand helps to support them…and YOU!

But how do our uniquely designed socks help with specific types of movement? Well, in order to understand that, we need to understand the movements associated with different types of popular Tucketts use.

It has become apparently clear through customer reviews and Instagram highlights that yogis LOVE including our Tucketts toeless socks in their daily yoga practice. This isn’t a huge surprise given that as of 2016, over 37 million people in the United States alone regularly practice yoga. And since yoga is practiced all over the world, it only makes sense that one of our largest customer groups are yoga-lovers.

Yoga places a large emphasis on using feet in many of its asanas. Having the ability to move the feet freely and accurately while practicing ensures that the movements are being performed to their fullest and injury can be avoided.

So, let’s take a closer look at two factors in the relationship between yoga and feet.

Feet Support Yoga Movement


According to yoga experts, the feet help support a variety of yoga poses. Some of these include standing poses, such as Trikasana (Tree), Garudasana (eagle), and Natarajasana (Dancer). In these poses, the feet work as the solid foundation for the body.

Steady feet also help to stabilize other poses such as backbends (Wheel and Bridges) and forward bends. When moving the spine in these ways, finding foundation in both the feet and the hands is vital to maintaining the pose. Having the ability to grip the ground is essential.

Feet with grip are especially important for often used Adho Mukha Svanasana(Downward Dog), 3-legged Dog, lunges, and triangle poses, where slippage can cause injury if your feet are not stable. Injuries such as sprains or pulled ligaments can be avoided.

Yoga Supports the Feet


Yoga also provides valuable assistance to proper foot functionality. Nimble bending and strengthening of the foot and toe muscles is required for walking, running, and jumping. However, in order to achieve optimal foot movement, the tendons and fascia need to be lubricated, pliable, and strong. This is where yoga can help, and Tucketts only make it better. The support Tucketts provides in critical locations specifically designed into the sock supports foot and yogi movement exactly where it is needed.  

Finally, poses like Downward-Facing Dog and Dolphin also help with stretching the Achilles Tendon. Staying flexible through the Achilles Tendon could help avoid a devastating and long-term injury to this critical Tendon.

There are many other factors in the relationship between yoga and feet, but the points mentioned above demonstrate just how the two can rely on each other. Tucketts toeless socks can help your yoga practice safely thrive.

Written by Fazle Mpulse

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